Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Super Short

Here are the pictures. This one is from yesterday morning, pre hair cut. Look at Ollie's beautiful, crazy curls! Brian said he was starting to look like Rock 'n Roll Larry from upstairs (he always has crazy, mad scientist hair). I guess it was a little unruly. But I do miss the curls.
And this pic is from this morning (about 5 minutes ago, actually), post hair cut. The short hair makes them both look so much older. They look like they should be heading off to school any day now. Oh, and speaking of being big, last night before the hair cutting tragedy Oliver asked Brian to take off his diaper. Brian took it off and then just a few seconds later, we looked over and found my big Ollie standing over his little potty trying to go pee. We watched quietly so as not to interupt him and he did it!! He peed in the potty for the first time! A pee-pee in the pott-a, a pee-pee in the pott-a! We cheered and sang and he got 4 stickers on his chart. He is just getting bigger every day.
Oliver looks so butch with the super short hair. Kind of like the kid who would beat you up on the playground. He's so sweet, though, and the curls helped him look like it! It's not as bad this morning as it seemed last night, though. And hair, fortunately, grows!
Dexy's isn't nearly as short. We paid better attention the second time around. The poor, oldest child gets stuck with all the parents mistakes. He definitely looks happier than Ollie.
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Meredith said...

Your boys sure look handsome!

Rob O said...

Grandpa loves the curls!

Cristina said...

Poor Ollie, always going first isn't all it's cracked up to be. But hair growls. We will soon see the garfunkel curls again.