Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy Marriage Day Amanda and Ben!

Yesterday we had a fun, busy, long, joyous day as we celebrated the marriage of Brian's sister Amanda. Amanda and Ben Scott were married in the Salt Lake Temple on February 26, 2010. Their ceremony was at 9 AM, so we had to wake everyone up early to be downtown in time. The boys waited in the waiting room with Hollianne and Angela while we went to the sealing. It was great to be there with them and feel of the Spirit in the Temple and see their excitement. Then we got to wait outside in the chilly wind for them to come out. Ollie had a great time wondering and exploring the grounds. He even climbed up on that beautiful bench all by himself and Brian snapped that fabulous picture. Dexy and I don't so much love the cold! When Ben and Amanda came out, they looked super happy. We took pictures in front of the Temple doors and Ollie climbed the stairs to knock on the door to come in. Then we had a luncheon at Golden Corral (yummy!) and a little bit of a break for nap time before heading to the church for more pictures and the reception. The church was decorated beautifully - the family friend who helped Wendy out with all the planning and decorating did a fabulous job! Ollie and I then had just a few minutes to run out and get our family some pizza (we were hungry!) before the guests started arriving. We hung around for a while, chatted with some people we knew, and ate delicious cheesecake before the boys were just shot and we had to go. We had spent Thrusday night at the Bowles house, so we went back there to get our stuff and let the boys take a bath in the big, fun, jet tub before heading home to rest after a long but great day! Congratulations Amanda and Ben!! We're excited for you to start a fun life together.
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Meredith said...

Congrats to Amanda and Ben! Love Brian's shoes...he and only he can pull those hi-tops off.

Rob O said...

Ollie on the bench is just adorable!