Saturday, October 9, 2010

I Can't Wait Another Second for Breakfast!

A few mornings ago, I heard the boys awake, so I went up and got them out of their room and got them juice like usual.

They looked so cute in their jammies this morning and seemed content, so I went to go make them eggs for breakfast. They were happy until the eggs were almost finished. They came into the kitchen and started getting spoons out of the drawer. They often do that when they're hungry, so I didn't think much of it. But when I turned to grab the cheese from the fridge to add into the eggs that were a minute away from completion, this is what I found...

...the boys helping themselves to a carton of ice cream!!

Our freezer is on the bottom, so they had pulled the ice cream out and Ollie had opened it for them. I kept telling them that breakfast was almost ready, but I guess that they just couldn't wait any longer. I scooped them each up a bowl of scrambled eggs and removed the ice cream.

They both then ate their whole bowl of eggs. So, they had had some ice cream for breakfast, but they ate all of their healthy breakfast, too. And, at least they were sharing! :)


krimmeez said...

Those are two smart boys. Ice cream is after all the breakfast of champions :)

KelliAnn Christensen said...

Oh, my gosh. I knew something was coming as I kept reading, but I never expected this. :) What an awesome story!