Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ollie's Jump

OK. Since everyone said that they'd be nervous to watch Ollie leap off a cliff, I decided to post the video. It is kind of nerve-racking, but at this point, I've gotten use to it. Now, don't pee your pants when you watch this - Brian catches him, so no worries. :) Ollie loved it and wanted to do it again and again and again!


KelliAnn Christensen said...

Aaaahhh!! How did you let him do this? It looks so high. I'll have to show this video to Kaitlyn to see what she think of it. She's gotten braver, but I doubt she'll ever be that brave!

krimmeez said...

WOw Ang, you have a future skydiver in your family:) You are such a good wife to let your husband have so much fun (and Ollie too!)

Cristina said...

Ollie is such a funny kid. Cliff jumping is no thang, just don't sing "Happy Birthday."