Thursday, February 3, 2011

Easier Said Than Done!

It's been a while since my last post. I tried to give myself a new, energizing, hopeful mantra when I last spoke with myself, but like most things, it was far easier to tell myself that than it has been to actually put it into everyday practice. Since then, my computer picked up a virus; I almost lost my 240 page digital photo book again (lost it last time my computer crashed and had to do the whole thing over - almost ripped all my hair out at the thought of having to do it a third time, but fortunately I uploaded and ordered it just in time; the silver lining to all this); my computer crashed; I have backup discs, but they aren't being so cooperative; my boys seem to be usually fighting, screaming, whining, crying, toy snatching, etc; Ollie is still having sleep issues, so much in fact that about a week ago we removed Dexy from their room to a playpen in the then completely full junk room at 5 am, at which point Oliver proceeded to scream for an hour and a half; he did the same thing the following two nights, although he is getting better now; I've had to clean out at least part of the junk room so that Dexy had a place to sleep without feeling like the room was going to collapse on him; Brian is always at school, doing homework, at scouts, playing men's basketball, etc. as he gets into his upper level classes and does all of the duties for his calling; the house seems to be in a continual state of upheaval; there has been a unending flow of urine and blood (no worries - just potty training and lots of minor toddler injuries); and now it's February and it's my month to do sharing time and I am not even prepared and it's Thursday!!!!!!! I know that this is all just one long, exhausting, whiney sentence, but that's the way things have been going around here lately. And I have no pictures because I'm still trying to get our computer up and working and it's not currently reading the SD card from our camera. So now I must reiterate to myself, more forcefully this time - IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PERFECT!! RELAX AND ENJOY THE RIDE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! JUST CHILL OUT!! Maybe I should look into finding some diazepam. OK, or maybe I should just go lay on my bed and stare blankly at the ceiling for 5 minutes before it's time for the boys to get up from their naps. Sorry you all had to deal with this, but I feel better now that I've let all of this out!


Melanie and Daniel said...

Wow. I am so sorry that it has been so crazy for you. I am grateful for your post though. It helps to know that I am not the only one who doesn't have it all together all the time. ;) That there is another woman out there missing her husband, her clean house, and her sleep. I hope things get a little better for you this next month.

Lyman and Kim said...

Ang, friend beach babe! So sorry that life hasn't been so easy lately! You are entitled for a vent session anytime. Love ready your blog to see what fun you are all having and to hear your fun personality in your words! So so happy that you don't have to re-do the book...almost cried for you as I was reading that part. Ollie is a little young for no naps I think but Bentley was having a hard time going to bed and staying asleep all night for awhile until I tried no nap during the day and put him down on time and that was the perfect fix. Maybe it will help with Ollie and then maybe it's something else. I hated giving up those naps though.
Go lay on your bed and think of the beach!! :) Love Ya!

KelliAnn Christensen said...

Ahh, the sleep issues. I sincerely wish you the best of luck. They cloud everything else about life--at least for me. And I can't even imagine trying to deal with the computer stuff. You have inspired me to insist we back stuff up--tonight. :)

Janey said...

Seriously. SERIOUSLY. It can be soooo hard lots of times. I have to tell myself to relax quite a bit. Is it a boy thing that boys continue to have sleep issues for who knows how long? Cameron goes through stages where he wakes up a ton in the middle of the night. Aargh. Good thing they're all cute right?