Monday, February 14, 2011

Video Post

My boys are very funny! I love them tons! But, I don't get around to posting videos very often. Partly because it takes a while for them to load and partly because I think that sometimes people won't find them as fabulous as I find them. But, I guess I will give these a try. I just love them and think that they are cute, funny boys and want everyone else to appreciate them, too. Sorry if they are too long. Here goes nothing.

I don't know if I've already told this story on my blog, but it's funny so I have to make sure we get it recorded. This happened a while ago now. But we had put the boys in bed and I had lots of dishes to do, so I wanted to have something that I like to watch while I did them. I love Harry Potter (as my blog followers have seen), but Brian teases me about watching the movies all the time. That night I just wanted to watch a Harry Potter movie while I did the dishes, so I went and stood in our door frame and asked Brian, "if you come into the kitchen, will you make fun of my if I'm watching Harry Potter again?" Brian said, "no" and then immediately after we heard, "Oh, mommy! No more Harry Potter!" floating down from the loft! Ollie was not only out of his room, but he heard us, and he responded perfectly (his daddy has trained him to say that to me)! It was hilarious!! The next morning, we were flipping through a party supply catalog when I came across some Harry Potter plates. In an attempt to undo his Daddy's training, I acted like they were the coolest thing ever. He got the idea! Maybe someday I'll get to watch the movies without him "scolding" me all the time.

Brian was flipping through the channels the other day and we came across a gymnastics meet. I asked him to leave it there for a minute to see if Ollie would respond the way I thought he would. He did!

Dexy dancing to the theme song of his favorite show, Team UmiZoomi. I love the way kids dance! It's so not really dancing, but so precious!

Dexy did this with his balloon over and over and over, but as soon as I started recording he of course stopped. At least I got it once. It was funny and it kept him entertained for a while.

I love you my clever, cute, funny boys!


KelliAnn Christensen said...

People don't post videos on their blog simply for OTHER people, do they?? :) Your boys are cute. I love that their dad has them brainwashed on the Harry Potter stuff--sounds like a dad!

Rob O said...

Great videos!