Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Transportation Cookies

Ollie discovered the cookie cutters in his closet about a week ago and has been getting them out and playing with them and begging to make cookies. Well, when he found the transportation cookie cutters, he got really excited. He drove them around and assigned everyone a vehicle - the sailboat for Alice, the fire truck for Daddy, the car for Uncle Derek, the train for Dexy, etc. So finally, a couple days ago, we invited Jude over and made sugar cookies. They were all very happy about it.
Especially the blue frosting that Cristina made for them. Jude didn't eat any of the cookie, but had an enjoyable time licking all the frosting off.

Ollie did a lot of just licking as well, but did finally take a few bites of the actual cookie.

It made his day!

And where was Alice during all this? Sleeping, like a little angel of course. Too bad she missed out on her sailboat. Maybe next time!


KelliAnn Christensen said...

Kaitlyn is a frosting-licker, too. She will eat cookies most of the time, but she doesn't like cake very much.

Cristina said...

I don't think i have any pictures of Alice sleeping, I am always to nervous about wakingher up. So I will have to steal this picture from you!