Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bottoms Up!

Brian likes to drink right out of the carton or pitcher. I keep telling him that he needs to use a glass. I remind him that I'm not really a germaphobe, but other people might eventually come to our house to visit and want to drink liquid that hasn't been "contaminated." Then he reminds me that he "doesn't put his mouth on it." Then I say, "My number one reason is that the kids love you and will want to be just like you and if they see you drinking out of the milk jug, then they'll think that they can do it, too!" And that's where this picture comes into play. The other day, I left the milk on the table for a few seconds and when I came back I found this. Low and behold, my "prophecy" came true - Oliver taking a big swig from the milk jug! Fortunately, there wasn't very much milk left. Unfortunately, it was still enough for him to get it all over himself and the table bench.
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