Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fall Fotos

Fall has officially blown in to Northern Utah! There aren't any leaves on the yard of the house where we live, but the house across the street had leaves all over the lawn this morning. The man who lives there just had surgery, so this morning Brian went over to rake them all up. What a nice guy, huh?! When he had been out there for almost 2 hours, I wanted to make sure that he was still alive, so I gathered up all the kids (it's Tuesday, so Brooklyn is here too) and we went out to check on him and bring him some water. Their yard is large and was covered so he was still industriously working. The kids had so much fun jumping in the leaves, throwing them and even helping to put the leaves in the bags! What fun on such a crisp, fall morning!
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1 comment:

Rob O said...

Now that's what I call a good time! Enjoy it because it passes so quickly.