Thursday, October 15, 2009

Getting Bigger

My boys both just seem to be growing up really fast at this particular moment in time. Oliver says at least 3 or 4 new words everyday. And now that he is learning almost every second, he loves the See and Say more than ever. He'll just sit there and pull the handle down over and over. He is getting so that now he knows and says many of the animal names and sounds - a new love on top of his letter fasinaction that has led to him knowing the entire alphabet as a 19 month old. What a smartie pants! Dex is bound and determined to catch up to him. As a 5 month old, he already rolls any direction that you can think of, gets upset if he doesn't get fed his "big baby" food at least once a day (mostly just rice cereal now, but we're starting to introduce fruit and veg), and has decided that he can even sit up all by himself on a hard, flat surface (he mastered the soft bed with give a little while ago)! He didn't ever feel like he was my new, teeny, tiny baby. Mommy missed out on the little baby phase with Dexy. He was born big and never looked back! I wish that they would just slow it up at least a little bit. If they keep up at this rate, Oliver will be off to Kindergarton before I know it, with Dexter just behind him.
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Cristina said...

I agree! I can't believe how fast time is going. It was 28 months ago when you found out you were pregnant with ollie and now look at you.Do you even remember a time without him, I don't. Where is the speed controller? We need to dial this down!

Rob O said...

And before you know it, they will have kids of their own!