Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today's Great Moments

Today we had a good day! Everyone was happy, there was no real fighting, all 3 babies took good naps, and Oliver and Brooklyn ate so much food I almost couldn't believe it! And the played really well together. While playing, Ollie pulled out our little baby tub and kept getting in it like it was his boat or something - row, row, row your boat! It was so cute and fun! Today we also had some wonderful breakthroughs that will hopefully help to ease the stress of my 3 babies under 2 years old days. Brooklyn's mom doesn't really let her feed herself. I guess because she doesn't want a mess. But with 3 little ones, a mess is a sure thing, so I would much rather have her be self suficient. So we have been working hard to have Brooklyn feed herself when she is at our house and today she finally really got it! She made a huge mess on her tray every time she ate (which was a lot today), but that was exactly what I wanted to see! It meant that she was doing it herself! Yay, Brooklyn! Way to go! The other thing that I have been working on with both Ollie and Brooklyn is having them clean up the mess strewn all over the living room before nap time. I have been doing hand over hand clean up with them to no avail for a few weeks. Today I started singing the clean up song, which I have been using to teach them, and putting toys into the plastic bin. Without me doing anything other than that, Oliver started running around, grabbing toys and books and balls and throwing them all into the bin with me! Some of it ended up in the bin instead of where I would have put it, but who cares, right? Actual help while cleaning up the mess is worth it! Yay, Oliver! Again, I was so elated! What a couple of great moments! I started watching Brooklyn in January and to think back on how little they were then and how big they are now is just crazy. They are growing into bonified toddlers right before my eyes. You both deserve like 10 stickers on your good choice charts!
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1 comment:

Rob O said...

Thanks Ollie for helping clean up!