Friday, August 28, 2009

The Park and More

On Wednesday, the boys and I went for a walk in our double stoller. We walked around the neighborhood and ended up at the Midvale Park. The Midvale playground is, however, pretty lame if you're under the age of about 6. Ollie had more fun sitting under the playground dumping handfuls of sand or running around in the grass than he did on the actual playground. Dex ended up falling asleep on our way there and just slept in the stroller while we played. When we got back to our place of residence, Dexy was still sleeping, so I decided to clean out the kiddie pool I had picked up from a neighbor who was going to throw it away. I just let it sit there dirty all summer and fianlly got around to cleaning it. Turns out, that I quickly figured out why I had put it off for so long. As soon as I got the hose turned on I had a little helper. Ollie ended up all the way in the pool. He probably was hot from playing outside and I just let him play and then stripped him down when we were done.
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1 comment:

Rob O said...

That the way to do it!