Saturday, August 1, 2009

We Just Love the Splash Pad!

What else can I say? We really do just love the splash pad down in St. George. I'm going to find the nearest one to us up here in the Salt Lake area so that we can go sometime when we're home and not just in St. George. Or, maybe it should just be a St. George special, 'treat' type of thing. I haven't decided for sure yet. Oh, well. We went one last time down in St. George before we came home. Oliver loves it and I love that he loves it and that we get to be outside, using his energy, having a great time. This last time, even Dexter got in on the action. He didn't love it quite as much, but he's still very little. I'm sure he'll grow to love it. We also discovered a new place to splash there - "the waterfall stairs" we'll call it; steps with water running down them. Ollie likes stairs and water, so it only figures that when he found this area to the splash pad, he really enjoyed himself. He even tried to drink the water off the stairs as it ran down. Mmmm...delicious!!! Oh, and I downloaded Picassa 3 and used it to make this collage - I love it! Thanks for the tip on that one, Heather!

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