Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Big Shoes to Fill

Oliver is just starting to get into wearing big shoes. The other day he wanted to put on my boots (it's winter so he sees me wearing them often because I hate getting the bottom 4 or 5 inches of my pant legs all wet). I helped him into them and then he tried walking around. It was so funny! We were both laughing and laughing. He wanted to go somewhere, so then we put on his hat and sweatshirt, but due to the difficulty of wearing the boots, he then decided he'd give Brian's shoes a try. But his were worse! The boots at least went more than half way up his leg, so they would hold themselves on when he walked. Brian's gianormous, size 15 shoes however, just flopped and twisted and proved themselves quite the hassle. They were such a struggle that he abandoned the plight to go somewhere entirely, taking off not only the shoes, but his hat, sweatshirt and socks as well. Those shoes just might fit someday, my little man!
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