Friday, January 8, 2010

Is She Talking About Ikea, Again?!

Why yes. Yes I am. The designers at Ikea make products that are just pure genius. They are simple and practical inexpensive products of good quality. And they get kids. Our toddler bath tubs - Ikea, $8 each and the only place I could find anything like them. The little table and 2 chairs I got the boys for Christmas - Ikea, $32 for all 3 pieces. Our newest, fabulous Ikea purchase? These bibs. A 2 pack only costs $4. They are a fast-drying, easily wipable and yet still machine washable plastic bib with a crumb-catcher pocket and sleeves! Sleeves!!! These people are brilliant! How many times do you put a regular bib on a baby and feed them one spoonful of something, only to have them turn their head and rub their dirty face all over their shoulder? A lot! And I like to let my boys work on feeding themselves, so these were a must at our house. Between these wonderful bibs and my newest in-wash stain booster (Tide Stain Release; you just dump a capful in with the detergent and it takes out almost everything with no pretreating whatsoever), laundry is suddenly taking up way less of my time. Nothing like a good product to ease the load of a busy, tired mother!


Rob O said...

Why didn't I think of that?

Meredith said...

I have some of those bibs for my little girl too! I love them. I was getting sick of trying to get carrot or sweet potato stains out of all her clothes!