Monday, January 4, 2010

When You Make a Mess, You Get to Get Clean

Dexy thinks that he is soooo big! He's sure that he can feed himself. So, because I'm the type of mother that I am, I just let him feed himself and make a mess everywhere. I figure that the experience is of far more worth than the clothes that may be ruined by food stains. He loves every minute of it! He also enjoys the fact that if he feeds himself and makes a huge mess, then he gets to get clean in the sink. The other day, he slid down and was totally just chillin' in the water as if he were relaxing in a large, pristine tub instead of being squanshed in a somewhat disgusting, small, green sink. It's nice to see that my boys can enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

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1 comment:

Rob O said...

Dexy is 7 months going on 2 after all!