Wednesday, January 20, 2010

These Videos are So Great

The first one is of Dexy. My Dex is 8 months going on 2 years. He is sure that he is big and is so anxious to be big as his brother, Oliver. A few days ago he just started clapping out of the blue. I hadn't been working on it with him or anything. I guess he just watched me and Oliver clapping and learned how all on his own. He is so adorable!

This second video is hilarious! Brian has recently gotten into Metallica. He has been listening to it a lot lately and singing it loudly through the house. Oliver, being the astute child that he is, quickly picked up on the feel of the song that Brian was singing when he got home from work and decided to join in. Brian says that it's Oliver making fun of his singing. Ollie has such a beautiful singing voice! This just happened at dinner time tonight, but Brian and I have already watched this video about 20 times and I had to post it asap - it's that great!