Sunday, January 31, 2010

Both of These Look Familiar As Well

Here's Ollie rockin' down to a Metallica song with daddy. Now the reason that this looks familiar is because he was using a prop for a guitar. When I was little, my mom baby sat a little boy who had to have a "guitar" every time music came on. He would run around saying, "Where's my guitarh? Where's my guitarh?" That boy favored a triangle ruler, while Ollie is using a racketball racket, but it still just reminded me of that. Why the second picture looks familiar is much more obvious. Dexy has now joined the ranks of the Backyardigans lovers in our family. He thinks they are fabulous and of course, the rest of us do too!
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1 comment:

Rob O said...

The Backyardigans are fabulous!